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Saturday, 6 July 2013

The Truth Is...

The face of heart disease is changing. Once considered “a man’s disease,” the number of deaths from heart disease and stroke are now virtually the same for men and women in Canada. 

We hear the same messages day in, day out: Eat better. Eat different. Less processed. Move more. Work less. Sleep more. Worry less. Breathe deeper. At every turn, we’re bombarded with advice on how to be healthier and happier. 

Here are 8 prevention tips you can get :

1. Don't Smoke

Smoking contributes to atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) that can lead to heart disease and stroke. Smokers have nearly double the risk of certain types of stroke. And women over 35 who smoke and use oral contraception (birth control pills) are at even greater risk of heart disease as well as blood clots and stroke.
The good news is that just 24 hours after quitting, your chance of heart attack decreases, and after one year, your risk of heart attack is half that of a smoker.
2. Lower Your Cholesterol
Cholesterol and triglycerides are fats found in your body and your bloodstream. They are naturally produced by your body, and they also come from the food you eat—especially from foods high in saturated and trans fats. High triglyceride levels may be a more serious risk factor for women than for men.

It’s important for you to know your actual cholesterol and triglyceride levels and to discuss with your doctor where your levels should be, and what treatment options are available for people who have high cholesterol. You can lower your triglyceride and LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein)-cholesterol with a healthy eating plan, including substituting unsaturated for saturated and trans fats, and lowering your fat intake overall.
3. Manage Your Weight
Being overweight can lead to other problems affecting your heart, such as high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels and diabetes.
Women who are “apple-shaped,” or who carry the most weight around their middle could be at a greater risk than women who are “pear-shaped,” or who have the most fat around their hips and thighs. Abdominal fat is especially dangerous because it releases high levels of hormones that disrupt metabolism, causes high concentrations of bad fats to travel to the liver faster and signals that fat is building up around other crucial organs. Measuring your waist and regularly checking your BMI (Body Mass Index) are good ways to monitor your risk of heart disease.
You can manage your weight with a combination of dietary changes and increased physical activity.
4. Keep Physically Active
You don’t need to make a big lifestyle change to get these benefits, instead you can build up to this goal slowly. Start by incorporating a 10-minute walk into your routine every other day. Try taking the stairs instead of the elevator wherever possible.
Consult a physician before beginning any new activity if you have a heart condition, are 45 or older, or are between 35 and 45 and have risk factors such as smoking, high blood pressure, elevated cholesterol, obesity, diabetes, or a family history of heart disease.
5. Monitor Your Blood Pressure
Monitoring and controlling your blood pressure can reduce your risk of stroke by up to 40 per cent, your risk of heart disease by 50 per cent and your risk of heart failure by up to 25 per cent.
Blood pressure is the measure of the pressure or force of blood against the walls of the blood vessels, called arteries. High blood pressure can damage blood vessel walls, causing weakening or scarring that promotes the build-up of plaque and the blocking of arteries.
It’s important to have your blood pressure tested by your doctor or pharmacist, and to discuss with them what your test numbers mean. If your healthcare provider feels you need to lower your blood pressure, they may recommend that you:

- Lower your salt intake
- Take blood pressure medication
- Achieve a healthier weight
- Increase physical activity
- Follow a low-fat diet
6. Reduce Stress

People who experience high stress levels, anxiety and depression may make lifestyle choices, such as avoiding exercise or eating poorly, that increase their risk of high blood cholesterol, increased blood pressure or atherosclerosis (narrowing of the arteries).
You can try lowering your stress levels by:
- Identifying the causes of stress in your life
- Being physically active -- physical activity can be a great stress-buster
- Sharing your feelings with friends, family or coworkers

7. Manage Your Diabetes

Diabetes plays a big role in determining a woman’s risk for heart disease and stroke.
If you have diabetes, you can manage your risk for heart disease and stroke by:
- Controlling your blood sugar and following the advice of your doctor
- Eating a balanced diet with less fat and more high-fibre foods and complex carbohydrates
- Achieving and maintaining a healthy weight
- Being more physically active

8. Limit Alcohol Consumption

Drinking too much of any type of alcohol can increase your blood pressure and contribute to the development of heart disease and stroke.
You may have heard that alcohol – particularly red wine – is good for your heart.
There is some evidence that people who drink moderately have a somewhat lower risk of heart disease and stroke than those who do not drink or who drink excessively. However, if you really want to have an impact on your heart health, you’re better off eating a healthy diet, being physically active most days of the week and becoming smoke-free.
If you drink alcohol, limit yourself to one or two standard drinks a day; women should limit themselves to a weekly maximum of nine drinks.
One drink equals:
- 341 mL / 12 oz (1 bottle) of regular strength beer (5% alcohol)
- 142 mL / 5 oz wine (12% alcohol)
- 43 mL / 1 1/2 oz spirits (40% alcohol)

Because heart attack and stroke share many of the same root causes, many of your prevention efforts will give you double the health benefits by protecting you against both heart disease and stroke. Making lifestyle changes and taking action to improve your health can reduce your risk of these diseases by as much as 80 per cent! So, what are you waiting? Get healthy right now and enjoy your one and only life! 

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